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Personal training & Live classes. Fitness & nutrition. For those seeking a better mental state and a more fit body.

Learn our unique ways of:

Health & Wellness

What we do:

Primo fit offers live workouts and personal training for the body and mind surrounding our unique methodized approach of health and wellness. Taking care of your body and mental state has never been easier. We offer a holistic approach of customized plans, unique exercises different meal plans and of course live classes to keep your body and mind feeling 100% all the time.

Where we do it:

All of our work is done virtually! Use primo fit anywhere you want!

How we do it:

With our unique approaches to mental strength, we use our primo approaches to fitness, nutrition, hydration, and recovery using core, balance, and strength and conditioning exercises. We also use high protein diets, and ample amounts of hydration. We design custom plans for you to reach your fit lifestyle goals and the best mental strength and strongest body possible

Meet your primo coach:

A Primo coach is your expert in our holistic approach to health and wellness. Your primo coach has a deep understanding of health and wellness. All primo coaches are certified personal trainers and certified nutrition coaches.

Join a class or get a coach today

A holistic approach to health and wellness.

Are you an athlete or live an active lifestyle?

The importance of core: The core muscles have two main functions 1) to spare the spine from excessive load and 2) to transfer force from the lower body to the upper body and vice versa. Having a strong, stable core helps us to prevent injuries, allows us to perform at our best, and improve mental strength.
The 3 primo pillars
Our goals for you

-Increase mental strength through our fitness methods

-Be all around fit

-Improve confidence

All by applying the primo method to your life.

With a combination of our unique techniques for movement, nutrition, daily habits, hydration, and recovery within 90 days, the results won't even seem real.

More about the primo method

The goal is mental strength and to be the healthiest version of you. Certain workouts are more effective for a better mental state, such as aerobics, core training, balance, and functional strength training. Certain diets are best for mental health and strength, such as high fish and high protein diets. We implement fitness, nutrition, hydration, recovery, and cognitive training into your daily athletic life with our unique holistic approach. We help you set daily habits, and daily guidelines, and give you custom programs by using our method for the overall goal of a better mental state, strength, longevity, and active lifestyle. We do a live evaluation assessment and then work with you virtually up to 90 days, with weekly zoom calls.
You will notice a difference in your overall mental health, physical strength, and day to day lifestyle, whether you're an athlete, live an active lifestyle, or want to live more of an athletic life. We got you.

Inspired to prevent and reduce mental obsticles for active lifestyles
Developed by Alec DelleDonne

Alec, the founder and CEO of the primo method. He believes every athlete should be able to prevent and reduce mental health problems with more than just medication. That is why he developed the primo method. To ensure everyone is living the primo lifestyle not only to be fit physically but to prevent and reduce the risk of mental health problems through our unique methods of movement, nutrition, and daily lifestyle.
